Thursday, August 05, 2010

Sana'a, Yemen - REVISITED

Sana'a, Yemen - REVISITED
Assalamu'alaikum wr wb


Again, I was in Sana'a, Yemen from 15th March - 22nd March, 2010. That was my third trip in 2 1/2 years to Yemen. As always, Sana'a has a fair weather as it is located more than 2,000 feet above sea level. The weather was around 19C daytime and 15C nightime.

Most people would not believe that Sana'a is rather cold even though it is located in arid mountains via the vast desert of Arab Peninsular. As usual, I was there on official matters and sometimes I got a short break to continue my rambling as a traveller that seeks for something new and interesting. I love history, humanity and nature, so my footsteps will leads me towards my interests.


I waited for the right time to film Bab Al Yemen and all the interesting things inside it. Babul Yemen or The Old City of Yemen has stood there for more than 2,000 years and nothing much has changed over the centuries. There are thousands of historical buildings inside it. I believe that this is the oldest ancient city that is still being inhibited in this world. Damascus, Syria is a different story since Damascus is 'The Oldest Continuously Inhibited City in The World'. I took my chance right with my Sony HD DVD Recorder.


-3rd Mosque in Islam
-Kaabah Abrahah
-Jambia Arab Knife


-Chewing Qat
-The Crave for Mango
-Unique Dress of Sana'aain

(to be continued)

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