Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fenomena Samseng Hindu Malaysia

Masalah gangster Hindu di Malaysia adalah satu perkara yang tak boleh dipandang remeh lagi. Ianya bukan saja melibatkan Hindu yang tidak berpendidikan.. Peguam yang berpendidikan tinggi juga sudah banyak melakukan jenayah berat. Terbaru adalah pembunuhan Dato’ Sosilawati dan 3 Melayu lain baru-baru ini..

Fenomena gangster Hindu di Malaysia telah lama diperkatakan di dalam akhbar Hindu Online iaitu THE HINDU yang merupakan akhbar nasional di India, seperti artkel di bawah yang bertarikh 15 Disember, 2000.

Malaysian Indian gangs on prowl

KUALA LUMPUR, DEC. 14. Malaysian Indians make up just about 7% (seven per cent!) of the Malaysian population, but contribute to 55 per cent of the country's crime. It is common place for Malaysian Indians, who first came to the region as plantation labour, to be involved in murders and robberies. Nearly 80 per cent of all Malaysian Indians are Tamil speakers.

The problem has become so severe that the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) leader and Works Minister, Mr. S. Samy Vellu, says that many of his constituents have come to be known as the ``bad boys''. According to the website, Indian-Malaysian Online, 38 Indian gangs with a membership of 1,500 persons are involved in extortion, drug pushing and robbery. ``It is very serious. The problem has to be addressed,'' Mr. Vellu, who has been a Minister in the Malaysian Cabinet since 1979, said. Mr. Velu's MIC, launched a new initiative to bring the ``bad boys'' back into society. ``We are trying to do a reach-out programme for 300,000 youth who are mostly secondary and high school educated.

The Malaysian Government had allocated a sum of $ 20 million for an MIC affiliate to carry out this programme over the next five years.''
Dr. M. Nadarajah, who teaches sociology at Stamford College, said, ``The Indians here are a poor minority community and poverty has become an inter-generational problem, poverty reproducing a result of development in Malaysia, they have been pushed from rural to urban poverty, from plantation worker to factory hand, from living in an estate environment to living in a squatter area.'

Ini satu permasalahan yang kronik kerana orang Melayu sendiri secara umum nya berdiam diri dan hanya memandang remeh akan masalah ini. Tidak kurang yang berpendapat bahawa masalah ini adalah isu terpencil dan bukan lah isu melibatkan perkauman sama sekali, isu keagamaan mahu pun isu politik. Padahal secara hakikat nya, ianya secara langsung memberi kesan mendalam di dalam elemen kehidupan manusia yang melibatkan kaum, agama dan politik di dalam sesebuah Negara. Adakah kita terlalu berdiplomasi dan sudah terantuk masih tidak terngadah?? Adakah perebutan undi popular parti politik di dalm system demokrasi sedia ada menyebabkan isu sebegini boleh dikompromi? Bagaimana jika isu sebegini berlaku di Negara lain..? Contoh nya, di Negara India, Arab dll?

Hindraf di Malaysia pernah berarak membawa gambar Mahatma Gandhi di Negara Malaysia. Gandhi itu adalah pemimpin di Negara India. Sebagai rakyat Malaysia berketurunan Tamil (dan beragama Hindu), Gandi masih idola mereka. Gandhi hanya boleh memerdekan India dari penjajahan British. Apa kena mengena dengan Malaysia? Adakah mereka masih berpaksikan politik India. Adakah Malaysia bukan Negara untuk ditumpahkan taat setia seseorang rakyat Malaysia? Semangat 1Malaysia untuk hidup bersama dengan aman perlu difahami dengan betul… Orang Melayu semakin bertambah curiga dengan elemen gangster Hindu. Tragedi Kampung Rawa, Pulau Pinang (1997) dan Kampung Medan, Selangor (4-8 Mac 2001)antara Melayu Islam dan Tamil Hindu masih segar di dalam ingatan setiap mereka yang prihatin.

Ahli Bar Council yang diketuai dan dianggotai oleh ramai peguam-peguam Berketurunan India beragama Hindu perlu mempertimbangkan akan kewajaran samada mereka mahu mengambil kes mempertahankan para pembunuh Dato’ Sosilawati & rakan-rakan apabila kes itu dibawa ke mahkamah nanti. Sama-sama lah kita nantikan aksi mereka yang selama ini beria-ia melaungkan slogan keadilan di Malaysia. Profesional Hindu di luar Malaysia juga banyak menulis mengenai ketidak puasan hati mereka kepada Muslim di Malaysia seperti artikel di bawah. Bolehkah orang Islam bersuara dengan nada yang serupa di India dan juga Kashmir?

Malaysia Hindus suffer Muslim persecution

Author: Ramesh N. Rao
Date: July 21, 2006
Commentary: Of Karma and Dharma

Last week I pondered the question of who could enter Hindu temples. But I had not thought of a situation where that question would be moot because there would be no Hindu temples to enter.

No, I am not thinking of the, "This is the beginning of World War III" pronouncements by well-known and sundry Republican politicians and commentators in the past few days, and therefore the end of the world, and therefore the destruction of all Hindu temples. Well, hell (if I may exclaim), if we had World War III there would be no portals to enter - period - let alone Hindu temples.

What I am writing about is the destruction of Hindu temples in a "progressive" Muslim country, Malaysia. In the name of development and progress, local municipal councils are razing Hindu temples at the rate of one a week. It is difficult to evaluate the nature of these development projects and why or how the Hindu temples have been targeted. One of the news items reports that "unregistered" Hindu temples have been ordered razed.

But Hindu activists say that the Malaysian Governments, after Malaysia gained independence in 1957, have refused to recognize and register Hindu temples. They point out that the lands on which mosques are situated have been recognized as "reserved" land in government gazettes but the governments have deliberately ignored the Malaysian Constitution which guarantees equality before the law (Article 8) by refusing to "reserve" land on which Hindu temples have stood.
The many Hindu temples are meant to serve the legitimate spiritual interests and needs of the nearly 1.7 million Hindus in a multi-cultural Malaysia.

One of the ethnic Indian ministers in the Malaysian government, Samy Vellu, echoed the concerns of Malaysian Hindus and asked local authorities to set aside permanent sites for the temples, in case any temple had to be demolished because of public works projects.

This statement by the minister must have been welcome news for the Hindus. But what happened a week ago, on July 14, was a slap in the face of the minister and the minority Hindu community. The Government of Malaysia forced a Hindu Temple in Petaling Jaya to relocate next to a large sewage tank. "Hey, if you are going to pray to your many Gods, pray that the world will smell good," seems to be the message of the Muslim Monarch of Malaysia. The country is a constitutional monarchy, and the legal system is based on English Common Law, but we should note that the king is also the leader of the Islamic faith in Malaysia.

The plight of the Hindus will mostly go unnoticed by the international community because it is believed by the world that Hindus tend to accept their fate, and that they are resilient in the face of adversity. This message actually was touted last week when Islam-inspired terrorists struck in Mumbai by bombing several commuter trains. Two hundred people died, and more than 700 injured.

But there was little anger and disgust expressed in the world's newspapers, and The New York Times not only did not publish an editorial on the ghastly terrorist attacks, but chose to publish only three letters to the editor, out of which two letters were by Muslim readers who complained that the attacks on Mumbai would merely make the life of Muslims difficult and that unless the Kashmir issue was resolved such terrorist attacks could not be contained. My angry letter denouncing this vulgar choice went unanswered and unpublished.

But back to Malaysia: the local authorities used some ethnic Indian musclemen to attack the temple devotees at the Petaling Jaya temple who were gathered there to stop the destruction of the temple. This reminds one of the British using Indian policemen to beat up the non-violent protesters led by Gandhi. It is also a sad commentary on human frailty and how ethnic and religious identity can be undermined by a few gold coins. The gangsters, it is reported, were accompanied by nearly one hundred policemen, Petaling Jaya City Council enforcement officers, fire brigade personnel and a Malay Muslim mob.

The police stood by and watched silently as the gangsters beat up the Hindus who were maintaining a vigil in front of the temple, and then forcibly pushed the Hindu devotees out of the way so that the hired gangsters could traumatize the devotees. The temple was completely demolished by the next day. And despite the complaints by the Hindu devotees the Attorney General of Malaysia has failed to initiate criminal proceedings against the attackers or to ask for an enquiry into the police and local officials who have instigated or colluded in the attack.

Hindu leaders and activists met the Law Minister Dato' Seri Nazri Aziz in May to complain about the temple destructions. Expressing regret at the events, the minister is said to have promised a quick Cabinet meeting and a solution to the problem. Two months later, and many more temples razed, the minister has done the vanishing trick, and left his petitioners frustrated and seething in discontent. It is reported that at least 26 temples have been destroyed since February this year.

The letters that The New York Times published after the Mumbai terrorist attacks last week may reflect the frustration of good Muslims who feel that they and their religion have become objects of suspicion and even hate in many nations. But it is rare to hear the good and moderate Muslims lash out against the vindictiveness and violence of their fellow fanatical Muslims or the chicanery of Muslim governments and Islamic states that deny fundamental human rights to non-Muslims.

The Malaysian experience of Hindus should be yet another wake up call to world leaders and good Muslims to end the tyranny of Muslim fundamentalism and Muslim majoritarianism.
Ramesh N. Rao is a professor and chair of the Department of Communication Studies and Theatre at Longwood University, Farmville, VA. The views expressed here are his personal views and not those of the institution to which he belongs. His email address is © copyright 2006 by Ramesh N. Rao

Isu kuil Hindu yang tidak dilesenkan cuba dimainkan di dalam artikel di atas. Padahal jika dilihat sebagai contoh, kuil-kuil Hindu sememangnya banyak didirikan sesuka hati di Pulau Pinang dll.. Asal ada tanah rezab sungai dan masyarakat Hindu maka akan mula lah patung-patung berhala diletakkan seperti di tepi Sungai Pinang dan Kampung Rawa yang akhir nya dibesarkan sehingga menjadi tokong. Bukan itu saja, pokok pokok besar turut menjadi lokasi kegemaran. Ladang getah mana yang mempunyai pekerja Hindu yang tidak terdapat tokong Hindu? Malah Taman Belia Perbandaran Pulau Pinang juga ada Tokong Hindu.

Betapa mewah nya kebebesan itu. Adakah Malaysia sebuah Negara yang tidak boleh berlaku adil dengan bertindak adil?Tun Razak apabila menangani isu 13 Mei telah berkata, “The time has come for less talk and more action..”. Ketegasan perlu diutamakan di dalam isu sekarang ini. Tidak ada kompromi pada perkara pokok yang boleh menjejaskan kelestarian bangsa berdaulat di Bumi Bertuah Malaysia. Jangan sampai api yang membara ditiup angin dan menjadi kebakaran besar yang sukar dibendung.

Raja-Raja Melayu Diselamatkan

 Peristiwa Sejarah Bagaimana Orang-orang Melayu Menyelamatkan Raja Mereka.  Hari ini kita belajar sejarah. Supaya rakyat Malaysia dan teruta...